Tuesday, February 10, 2009

beginning at the backdoor

A morning of weeding. I have ignored this area for a couple of days, since its a short trek around it to get to the rest of the utility areas and the acreage beyond. While pulling up grass I remember being told their might be snakes around the property. So suspecting all the while one will leap out at me, I make as much noise as I can, talking to the bugs and spiders as I go.

What a marvelous diguise, hidden behind all this grass and weeds...

I found some steps :)

Before and after, looking the other way, towards the house. This area is shaded quite a bit, from the house one way, and trees the other. It also picks up lovely cool easterly breezes in the afternoon. Altogether it looks like a great spot for afternoon tea :)

The steps will need some rebuilding, but they are fine for now. The tougher grass removed, the shorter finer grass can be left for now, its roots are holding the steep sides of this bank together. Some native ground cover, scurvy weed (Commelina_cyanea) which I ripped out but left in place should easily take again and populate the bank with lush leaves and tiny blue flowers.

Time for a glass of water I think!

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